• Anggur Hijau / Green Grape

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    (Vitis vinifera)

    Grapevine is a bushy perennial plant with helices – tendrils and trailing shoots. It’s a climbing plant that prefers to climb up rocks or tree trunks. Tendrils are degraded…

  • Anggur Hitam / Black Grape

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    (Vitis vinifera)

    A vigorous climbing shrub prized for its lush, very sweet, and juicy fruits. Black grapes are enriched with much more antioxidants compared to other grape variants which are known…

  • Avokado / Avocado

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    (Persea americana)

    A large, spreading, evergreen tree widely appreciated for its rich, buttery and creamy flavored fruits. The tree is also valued for the oil it yields and for its many…

  • Betik / Papaya

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    (Carica papaya)

    Papaya is a perennial herbaceous plant in the Caricaceae family that is farmed for its edible fruit. The papaya plant is a tree-like plant with hollow stems and petioles…

  • Buah Ajaib / Miracle Berry

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    (Synsepalum dulcificum)

    A fascinating West-African shrub that produces fruit that when eaten, blocks or modifies your sour taste bud receptors and makes sour foods taste sweet. Miracle berry has been used…

  • Buah Engkalak / Butter Fruit

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    (Litsea Garciae)

    Engkalak is an extremely rare and exotic fruit tree. Small fruit with a delicate, avocado-like flavor and pink to purple skin. The fruits are relatively unknown, but those who…

  • Buah Gac / Gac Fruit

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    (Momordica cochinchinensis)

    A perennial twining, dioecious vine about 6 meters long. The fruit has a mild, slightly sweet taste with a refreshing aroma similar to a squash or cucumber. Gac fruit…

  • Buah Kristal / Matoa Fruit

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    Pometia pinnata

    Pometia pinnata is a large tropical hardwood and fruit tree species, with common names including manta, taun tree, island lychee, and Tava, of the plant family Sapindaceae. Naturally widespread,…

  • Buah Pulur / Breadnut

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    (Artocarpus camansi)

    Despite its name, the breadnut is not a nut at all but rather a fruit. This evergreen tree is commonly harvested from the wild in its native range as…

  • Buah Tarap / Marang Fruit

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    (Artocarpus odoratissimus)

    One of the most delicious tropical fruits in Southeast Asia. The fruit boasts a sweet and creamy taste that is somewhat similar to jackfruits. The fruit is also helpful…

  • Buah Telur / Canistel

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    (Pouteria campechiana)

    A popular fruit in the tropics and subtropics, commonly known as eggfruit, due to its flesh that is bright egg yolk yellow color. Canistel fruits are also useful for…

  • Cermai Merah / Surinam Cherry

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    (Eugenia uniflora)

    A popular small fruit tree widely introduced for its valuable tiny pumpkin-shaped cherries and as an ornamental plant. Suriname cherry is used in traditional medicine to lower blood pressure…
