Pisang Tanduk / Horn Banana

Pisang Tanduk / Horn Banana


Reviews Summary by AI:

(Musa x Paradisiaca, AAB group)

Pisang tanduk has a sweet and sour taste. The clone with the longest fruit is popularly grown on peat soils, especially in Johor. The occurrence of apical dominance whereby the numerous suckers surrounding the base of the plant will remain ‘slow-growing/stunted’ until the parent plant reaches the shooting stage, after which 2-3 suckers will resume normal growth in adult plants. This phenomenon gives the impression that the plant clump is solitary. Pisang Tanduk bananas are long and curved, averaging 5-8 centimeters in diameter. The horn-shaped fruit has a thick peel that is green when immature and yellow when ripe. The plant height is between 3.5-4.0 meters. It will take 70 days of flowering to harvest. The weight of a bunch is approximately 10-15 kg.

Size: medium

The plant is available in small (RM30) and medium (RM55). Please contact us to arrange the order for size small.