• Abiu / Star Apple

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    (Pouteria Caimito)
    Abiu Trees are native to South America but are growing in popularity all over the world due to their ability to thrive in containers indoors, so people can grow…

  • Anggur Hijau / Green Grape

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    (Vitis vinifera)

    Grapevine is a bushy perennial plant with helices – tendrils and trailing shoots. It’s a climbing plant that prefers to climb up rocks or tree trunks. Tendrils are degraded…

  • Anggur Hitam / Black Grape

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    (Vitis vinifera)

    A vigorous climbing shrub prized for its lush, very sweet, and juicy fruits. Black grapes are enriched with much more antioxidants compared to other grape variants which are known…

  • Asam Susur / Roselle

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    (Hibiscus sabdariffa)

    Roselle is a species of Hibiscus probably native to West and East Africa and South-East Asia including Northeastern India. It is used for the production of bast fibre and…

  • Avokado / Avocado

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    (Persea americana)

    A large, spreading, evergreen tree widely appreciated for its rich, buttery and creamy flavored fruits. The tree is also valued for the oil it yields and for its many…

  • Betik / Papaya

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    (Carica papaya)

    Papaya is a perennial herbaceous plant in the Caricaceae family that is farmed for its edible fruit. The papaya plant is a tree-like plant with hollow stems and petioles…

  • Buah Ajaib / Miracle Berry

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    (Synsepalum dulcificum)

    A fascinating West-African shrub that produces fruit that when eaten, blocks or modifies your sour taste bud receptors and makes sour foods taste sweet. Miracle berry has been used…

  • Buah Engkalak / Butter Fruit

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    (Litsea Garciae)

    Engkalak is an extremely rare and exotic fruit tree. Small fruit with a delicate, avocado-like flavor and pink to purple skin. The fruits are relatively unknown, but those who…

  • Buah Gac / Gac Fruit

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    (Momordica cochinchinensis)

    A perennial twining, dioecious vine about 6 meters long. The fruit has a mild, slightly sweet taste with a refreshing aroma similar to a squash or cucumber. Gac fruit…

  • Buah Kristal / Matoa Fruit

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    Pometia pinnata

    Pometia pinnata is a large tropical hardwood and fruit tree species, with common names including manta, taun tree, island lychee, and Tava, of the plant family Sapindaceae. Naturally widespread,…

  • Buah Pulur / Breadnut

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    (Artocarpus camansi)

    Despite its name, the breadnut is not a nut at all but rather a fruit. This evergreen tree is commonly harvested from the wild in its native range as…

  • Buah Tarap / Marang Fruit

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    (Artocarpus odoratissimus)

    One of the most delicious tropical fruits in Southeast Asia. The fruit boasts a sweet and creamy taste that is somewhat similar to jackfruits. The fruit is also helpful…
