• Ketumbar / Coriander

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    (Coriander sativum)

    An annual herb that Is commonly used to flavor
    international dishes. Its aroma is best described as
    warm, spicy and nutty, with a hint of citrus. Benefits
    of coriander leaves are…

  • Ketumbar Jawa / Culantro

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    (Eryngium foetidum)

    An erect, perennial plant harvested from the wild
    for local use as a food and medicine but is also
    sometimes cultivated as a coriander-like
    flavouring in the tropics. Culantro is used in

  • Kubis Kerinting / Curly Kale

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    (Brassica oleracea var. Sabellica)


  • Kucai / Chives

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    (Allium schoenoprasum)

    Chives, scientific name Allium schoenoprasum, is a species of flowering plant in the family Amaryllidaceae that produces edible leaves and flowers. Their close relatives include the common onions, garlic,…

  • Kucai Cina / Chinese Chives

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    (Allium tuberosum)

    A graceful perennial herb that is a popular vegetable in eastern Asia. Chinese chives have a garlic flavor though not as strong as real garlic. This flavorful herb is…

  • Kucai Cina Segar / Fresh Chinese Chives – 20g

    There is no AI review summary.

    1. Direct from our own farm, Kebun Reyhan
    2. 100% organic
    3. Fresh produces only available to KL & Klang Valley only
    4. Must pre-order and wait for order confirmation from seller
    5. Limited…

  • Kunyit Hitam / Black Turmeric (Curcuma caesia)

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    (Curcuma caesia)

    A perennial herb with bluish-black rhizomes,
    native to northeast India. Fresh rhizomes are
    aromatic with intense camphoraceous odour and
    are used in traditional medicine to treat many
    ailments including dysentery.

  • Kunyit Segar / Fresh Turmeric – 250g

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    1. Direct from our own farm, Kebun Reyhan
    2. 100% organic
    3. Fresh produces only available to KL & Klang Valley only
    4. Must pre-order and wait for order confirmation from seller
    5. Limited…

  • Lavender

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    (Lavandula angustifolia)

    Lavandula angustifolia, formerly L. officinalis, is a flowering plant in the family Lamiaceae, native to the Mediterranean. Its common names include lavender, true lavender or English lavender; also garden…

  • Lavender Cina / Silvery Chinese Wormwood

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    (Crossostephium chinense)

    A beautiful shrub admired for its aromatic, silver coloured, furry foliage. Chinese wormwood has been used traditionally to treat congestions and coughs.

  • Lemon

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    (Citrus limon)

    A spiny evergreen shrub with refreshing fruits is usually not eaten whole but rather as a garnish or flavoring. Lemon is used to treat scurvy, a condition caused by…

  • Lemon Australia / Australian Long Lemon

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    (Citrus limon var.)

    A variety of lemons is valued for their unique lemon shape. Just like lemon, Australian long lemon is high in vitamin C and offers numerous benefits for health…
